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ARLL's wholesale industry blog: Latest stock updates, market insights, and exclusive B2B opportunities. Expert guidance for wholesale & liquidation success.
September 1, 2021 7:20 pm
”Recently, the major freight indexes of container shipping from Asia to Europe set a new record in history, with the freight index exceeding US$10,000 for the first time, (..)” according to Shipping costs from China have a 485% increase from last year, so importing from China is no longer cost effective. Here, at ARLL, you will find a better solution, as we can provide branded stocks in EU at much lower prices! We made a simple math calculation for you: If you, our customer, try to import a container of refrigerators, say 100 pieces per container, at 10,000 euros...
This life is very strange! It takes you on various paths, it puts in the way some people who either lift you up and give you energy or leave you weak and drained of strength as if you don’t know yourself anymore! There are times when everything is going well for you on all levels, but then you get into a rut as if you can’t see the bottom of it anymore! And they all have a finality, a loop that closes and a meaning that at the end you understand and find answers to all the WHYs you have...
The Covid-19 pandemic has polarised retail. While supermarkets and major online retailers have never had such a big increase in sales, many other businesses face crippling closures and an uncertain future. With enormous social change, big shifts in consumer habits have intervened. This got me thinking! What actions should your retail business take now to ensure you’re prepared to deal with life beyond the pandemic? Retailers are experiencing one of the biggest and most rapid shake-ups in terms of consumer buying and spending habits. With the majority of bricks and mortar retail stores closed, shoppers have turned to online retailers...
Attracting Real Leverage Ltd (ARLL) is an outsourced Sales Department supported by a cohesive and efficient Marketing Department, backed up by the Logistics and the Financial Departments. So, if you are a Manufacturer/ Online Retailer/ Distributor and you need help in clearing surplus/ overstocks and/ or customer returned lots, we are perfect for the job! We will take away the hassle and cost of recruiting and training an in-house sales team and add in a bonus: experience marketing team to promote the stocks at their correct value. If you are a small or medium size business looking to expand, to find...
ARLL – sales & marketing services – this is the shortest description of who we are and what we do. The work ARLL does is huge and often unseen by the vendors and customers, as they perceive us as middlemen or brokers – which is very far from the truth. ARLL is nothing like that! The services we provide both to vendors and customers are unique and no other company in Europe can offer the same. We have contracts with all our vendors and all the stocks we sell are protected by our terms & conditions. There are confidentiality terms...