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We see and hear the acronym “DIY” everywhere, and you probably already know that it stands for “do it yourself”. It’s a straightforward concept. But “DIY” can hold a different meaning for different people because it can be about so many things.
In the first and second part of this article, we talked about the importance of shopper marketing for your business and shared some easy tactics related to the product, its placement and sales promotions that you can apply to make sure your products sell fast. Now, let’s talk about pricing. Pricing strategy for your small business will set the standard for your product or service in the marketplace. Do your research early in the life of your business and evaluate the market. Once you understand consumer demand within your market, review your own costs and profit goals to inform your...
In the first part of this article, we talked about the importance of shopper marketing for your business and shared some easy tactics related to the product and its placement that you can apply to make sure your products sell fast. Now let’s see which are the tactics related to promotion that you can use for the same purpose.
Shopper marketing is the practice that focuses on promoting products by addressing the customers directly while they are already in the physical store. It is extremely important as it can make a difference between a product being sold quickly or not. Shopper marketing makes a direct and instant impact influencing the behavior of customers.
As a small business owner, being sustainable may be the last of your worries. But let’s have a look at the concept of circular economy and how becoming part of it can benefit you and your business.