What should we check when we want to buy first time from an International Supplier?

June 26, 2024 12:33 pm

These days, more and more innocent buyers are victims of internet scammers. Attracted by low prices (usually very low) and/or appealing top branded products, many unexperienced buyers purchase stocks that will never come as it was just a bite.

In our 14 years of experience, we advise you to tick the follow boxes before committing to buy:

Check the company:

  • VAT number:  go to Vies – and check if the VAT number exists and it matches the address and proforma invoice details
  • Financial details: google the company turnover, number of employees. If it is a newly setup company – be aware and dig further!
  • Company website: nowadays 99% of the companies have a website – by the complexity of the website you can see how big the company is comparing to a just one landing page! Run away from sellers using @gmail or @yahoo – email addresses.  Also use WHO.IS website to check who owns the domain of the website and how old the company is – the older the better
  • Company reviews: either Google or Facebook page, you can find out about the way the company handles the customer complaints or the quality of the product.

Ask for genuine pictures of the stock – in case the above checkpoints are not completed, do not pay before asking for evidence of stock existence – genuine pictures or why not a facetime call with the stock seller in that warehouse. You can ask for a stock inspection over the video call and if the buyer hesitates – it is a clear sign to run away!

Check for the products – usually you can use google images and you will get to the source of the stock and maybe a better price J (in case the seller is a small trader)

Very low prices of top branded items – usually offers too good to be true are a watch out sign – and greedy and innocent buyers are desperate to make the deal of their life and forget the check out before buying!

Pushy sellers – last minute deals, massive discounts (usually offered without asking for), “buy today as I have 3-4 buyers waiting in queue” are clear signs of a potential scam

Pay a deposit now and the balance when you get the stock! –  this practice is not protecting you at all – more – you can partially pay for something you will never get!

I hope you found this article useful!

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