Tag Archive: #business

2020 is not that far away from us to remember how a tiny simple face mask was few cents in January and couple of euro just weeks apart. Why? Simple – because the demand got exponential and the stocks were limited. Once the Covid 19 pandemic installed – every shop / wholesaler / manufacturer of large home appliances sold what they had in stock – and at that moment – the market was full of stock, that much that we were getting emails from our clients asking to pay 10 – 15% of the RRP for a washing machine. Now...

This life is very strange! It takes you on various paths, it puts in the way some people who either lift you up and give you energy or leave you weak and drained of strength as if you don’t know yourself anymore! There are times when everything is going well for you on all levels, but then you get into a rut as if you can’t see the bottom of it anymore! And they all have a finality, a loop that closes and a meaning that at the end you understand and find answers to all the WHYs you have...